Friday, December 7, 2012

Finally finished updating the website...for now.

Only just took a full week of time to get this thing off the ground and reformed to look the way I wanted it to. Been a complete mess having to learn how to work with html/css, but I got some nice things working now and was able to get rid of a lot of clutter that blogger typically has on their page.

I had also gotten the whole website up to around 95% before it had a large crash, taking all the images that I had ever uploaded before to here and replacing it with lovely empty black boxes. Took a few days to work up the patience to sit down and rebuild a lot of it over again, but alas it's done. Some of the oldest pokes are still missing links, so keep that in mind.

As time goes by I want to add some more stuff design wise here, especially as I learn more about programming and working with interactive content so stay tuned for that. I also have plans to try to put something together to show how I actually produce my comics sometime around christmas time. So stay tuned for that!

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